Thursday 1 February 2007


As was pointed out in a comment to my last post (the one that was written when my trip to Vietnam was an impending adventure rather than a distant memory) I haven't done much round these parts recently. The reasons I gave, flimsy as the may seem, are nevertheless true. I don't want this blog to go the way of so many others and I am determined to see it through to the end, mainly because it's probably the only way I'll ever get through every song on the fucking thing and be in a position to honestly know what to keep and what to dump. So, some changes are in the offing. Instead of listening to the albums as I travel to and from work I'm going to listen to them at home and actually give myself time to write about them. This'll probably take more time but I'm sure there's a corny saying out there somewhere about the best things taking a while, so fuck it.

Let's call the last few weeks my winter break - I'm now back, refreshed and ready to go (that may or may not be utter bollocks), so bring it on.


Anonymous said...

Ok. Keep it up buddy. But if we get to "W" and I discover that "Who's Next" is not on your iPod, there will be trouble – guaranteed.

GSJ said...

Cheers. Might as well get the trouble out the way now though - there's no "Who's Next" on my iPod, sorry. As Todd would say, can we still be friends?

Anonymous said...

Would it be unwise, or perhaps untactful, for me to congratulate you for not having Who's Next - one of the most massively overrated piece of cock rock music out there - on your ipod? It would? Okay fine, no congratulations from me then. Never let it be said that I have no tact.

Anonymous said...

hmm. overrated cock rock? pursuasive critical thinking there Summer. thanks!